Home > Artworks > Esperanza Galeano Torres

Photo of Esperanza Galeano Torres Colombia

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Born in Bogota, the capital of Colombia, in 1955. His dream was always the hand of Fine Arts and encaminpor life although other routes such as the Textile Design, has never stopped to investigate and learn on their own. It handles admirably with the portrait. He loves the landscape and works and figuracin surrealism. Had the opportunity to live in Panama, where he entered the School of Visual and Plastic Arts at the...

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Born in Bogota, the capital of Colombia, in 1955. His dream was always the hand of Fine Arts and encaminpor life although other routes such as the Textile Design, has never stopped to investigate and learn on their own. It handles admirably with the portrait. He loves the landscape and works and figuracin surrealism. Had the opportunity to live in Panama, where he entered the School of Visual and Plastic Arts at the University of Panama, studying the hand of renowned masters such as Adonai Rivera, Antonio Madrid and Remi Olaya and others. He extracurricular workshops in Panama City, participating exhibitions and was all, to the seashore, where presentsu first individual exhibition in Gngora House, with support from the Mayor of Panama . In the years that pass that city, incursiontambin in sculpture, carved in various materials and design of facilities. His work, besides being in our country, also appreciate it in Panamy Peralgunas audience sites and other private collections. Now in Colombia, working with issues of pas.

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